Discuss which technique will be most suitable among rasterization, ray-tracing and radiosity for the scenario keeping in view the suitable level of detail and time constraint.
In my opinion, Resterization will be good for making presentation.
Ray tracing produces good quality image but still needphotorealism and require high computational cost. Radiosity's computational time is proportional to the complexity of a scene and represents the interaction of surfaces very well but can't deal for specular reflrction.
Resterisation is the task of taking an image described in a vector graphics format(shapes) and converting it into a raster image. The resterised image may then be displayed on a computer display, video display or printer, or stored in a bitmap file fotmat.
Command with other rendering techniques such as ray tracing or radiosity, resterisation produce images very fast and therefore used in most realtime. Resterization has quickly become the ruling approach for interactive application because of its initially low computational requirements
In my Opinion, Rasterization will be good for making presentation.
Ray tracing produces good quality image but still need photorealism and require high computational cost. Radiosity’s computational time is proportional to the complexity of a scene and represents the interaction of surfaces very well but can’t deal for specular reflection. Rasterization is the task of taking an image described in a vector graphics format and converting it into a raster image. The rasterised image may then be displayed on a computer display. Video display or printer, or stored in a bitmap file format. Rasterization has quickly become the ruling approach for interactive application because of its initially low computational requirements.
In my opinion, Rasterization will be good for making presentations for COVID-19 Virus during pandemic.Rasterization produce images very fast and therefore used in most real-time 3D engines. Rasterization has swiftly become the decision approach for interactive applications because of its to begin with low computational requirements. Rasterization is describe in a vector graphics and shapes converting into raster image (a series of pixels, dots or lines, which are display together.
In my opinion Resterization will be good for making presentation.
Ray tracing produces good quality image but still need photorealism and require
High computational cost. Radiosity’s computational time is proportional to the complexity of a scene and represent the interaction of surface very well but can’t deal for secular reflection.
Resterization is the task of taking of image describe in a vector graphics format and converting it in to a raster image (a series of pixels, dots or lines, which, when displayed together, create the image which was represented via shapes ). The resterized image may then be displayed on its computer display, videos display or printer, or stored in a bitmap file format.
Compared with other rendering techniques such as ray tracing or radiosity, resterization produce image very fast and therefore used in most real time 3D engines. Resterization has quickly become the ruling approach for interactive application because of its initially low computational requirements.